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A light to medium-bodied lager, with an alluring aroma of warm, herbal hops with a hint of bready malt. It offers subtle malt sweetness, leading to a crisp, dry finish, accompanied by a low to moderate bitterness. 

The Mangrove Jack's 10 Pint range is designed for premium small batch brewing. Crafted with the highest-quality ingredients to deliver great results in every batch. Each kit is packed with dry hops for a full, aromatic profile and includes all the sugars needed for fermentation - just add water. Using style specific Mangrove Jack’s premium yeasts and nitrogen-flushed hops to preserve the fruity aromas, our kits deliver true-to-style, flavourful results. 

Perfect for brewers with limited space or time, and ideal for experimenting with new recipes without a large commitment. Enjoy the simplicity of small-batch brewing with our refined recipes. 

ABV approx. 4.6% 

Bitterness rating: 2/5 

IBU: 2025   

Colour: Golden  

Makes: 10 Pints/6 Litres 

Yeast: M24 Versa Lager Yeast 3 

Hops: Dried Hops (Saaz) 10 g  

Extra Fermentables required: N/A 

Fermenting temp: 18-20 °C (64-68°F) 

For pouch instructions, click here. 

 Available in the UK/EU ONLY.